At Elisse Treasures, we value your loyalty! Our exclusive loyalty program is designed to reward our community of jewelry lovers with points for every purchase, referrals, and more!

How it works

Grab your exclusive gifts by being part of our loyalty program

Why Join the Elisse Treasures Loyalty Program?

Earn points with every purchase.

Redeem points for discounts on all jewelry.

Exclusive birthday gifts and rewards.

Early access to new collections and sales.

Refer friends and earn bonus points.

Free shipping on all orders for loyalty members.

Ways to earn

Earn more points for different actions, and turn those points into awesome rewards.

Get more points by completing these missions

Ways to redeem

Spending your hard-earned points is easy. Simply apply your points for a discount at checkout.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can join the Elisse Loyalty Program by signing up on our website or through our mobile app. Registration is free and simple: just provide your name, email, and create a password. You'll start earning points immediately after your first purchase.

Earn points every time you shop with Elisse Treasures online. For every dollar spent, you earn one point.

Additional points can be earned by following us on social media and signing up for our newsletters.

Redeem your points directly at checkout on our website on desktop or mobile. You can apply your points for discounts on purchases, exclusive products, or special rewards. Simply choose the number of points you wish to redeem and apply them to your purchase.